AMY DELIRA is a passionate and dedicated infant and early childhood mental health clinician. She has spent the last 8 years providing a diverse range of services to infants, young children and their caregivers in a wide variety of settings. At present, Amy is providing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) services to infants and young children through home visiting, while also working through a state project to increase quality of care in early childhood settings through social and emotional consulting. Additionally, Amy provides reflective supervision/consultation for early childhood providers in a Detroit based Head Start/Early Head Start program. She is an active member of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health state board, a certified Zero to Three trainer and an ambitious leader in the field. ------------------------------
ANGELA LOPEZ is currently working towards her Masters Level Social Work degree while pursuing a dual title in Infant Mental Health. She completed her MSW internship at Development Centers in the Infant Mental Health program. She is a passionate advocate, emerging clinician and a caregiver for infants and young children in both her academic and personal life. During her graduate program at Wayne State University she was appointed to the MI-AIMH board of directors as the student representative for Wayne State. She is looking forward to a long and rich career in clinical infant and early childhood mental health.